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Explain the Standard Dissertation structure to pursue your PhD writing degree

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

The standard dissertation needs an appropriate structure which will bring good grades to students. For presenting a well-stricture dissertation, students need to arrange the structure accordingly. Among different assignment types such as reports, essays, case studies and thesis writing the dissertation is the most complicated assignment which has a difficult structure. A dissertation is larger than a thesis thereby consisting of more segments than a thesis. Students must know the entire structure of a dissertation to present a good research paper.

Following are the segments of the structure that need to be implemented in the dissertation writing for presenting a high-standard dissertation structure:

Title page:

The title page is the most important segment of any dissertation which will present the relevant title for the dissertation. If the dissertation title is mentioned in the assignment help then students must use this title on the title page. But sometimes the title is not mentioned the students need to create a suitable title for the dissertation. In this context, students need to think about the topic and make a clear title which will reflect the purpose f the dissertation.

The acknowledgement:

Acknowledgement is an important and inevitable part of any dissertation which assists students to show their gratitude towards all the people, organisational and resources that helped them to conduct the research study. The acknowledgement enables students to say t thanks to all the people who are directly and indirectly related to the research study and contributed to the accomplishment of the research study. students must know the word count of the acknowledge. This segment will not go beyond 250 words. The acknowledgement will be clear and belief which will present the hearty gratitude of students regarding the thesis & dissertation help and assistance that they received from different people.


The introduction of a dissertation always starts with a problem statement which will present the purpose and aim of the research study. Compared to the thesis in which the thesis statement is mainly presented at the end of the induction, in the dissertation, the problem statement will start at the start of the introduction. The problem statement will also present the rationale for conducting this research study. then the introduction will present the clear outlines of the theatre dissertation in which the entire study will be presented. The introduction will be short but clear which will enable the reader to understand the criteria based on which the entire research study is going to be conducted.

Research background:

Research background is also termed as the topic background in which the entire topic is briefly discussed. Here the background of the topic is analysed by using evidence-based discussion. here students use relevant examples and evidence for discussing the necessary aspects related to the topic. The background of the topic discusses the necessary factors, issues and strategies associated with solving these issues.

Literature review:

This segment is the most important segment of every dissertation. The literature review is a well-written piece of literature in which the content of the existing literature n the research topic is compared and analysed. The literature review presents a discussion the review of the existing literature on the research topic which assists the researcher to make the proper conclusion and inference. The literature review of any dissertation must involve the discussion and application of the relevant theories and models. Students need to be careful regarding selecting modern soda theories. Hye must choose such models and theories that can easily be relevant to the topic. the literature review will also present the literature gaps at the end of the literature review. Thus literature gaps will present the limitation of each research paper regarding presenting the issues related to the research topic.

Research methodology: research methodology consists of the methods, roles and tools that are used for carrying out the study. the research methodology discusses the proofs in which the entire research study is conducted. Students must discuss the tools, techniques, stratagems and procedures that are used for data collection and data analysis. dissertation can be of two types primary and secondary. The primary research paper consists of the sampling process, data collection, data analysis, the data findings and the results. N the other hand in the secondary research study, there are the search strategy, the research approach, the research philosophy, the research design, data collection, data extraction and the data analysis. In the search strategy, students must discuss the necessary online database systems that are used for retrieving the relevant literature on the research topic.


The conclusion is the last segment of the dissertation which summarise the major aspects of any study. the conclusion of the dissertation must discuss the points that are identified in the entire study. mainly the conclusion of any dissertation discusses the major aspects and issues that are determined in the research study. the dissertation must conclude the necessary aspects that are identified in the data findings. The issues that are identified must be analysed in the conclusion port. The conclusion must be concise and clear which will present a clear understanding to the students regarding the main points of the topic. The conclusion points out the aim and objectives of the research study.


The recommendation is an important segment of any research study which will present the strategies and smart tactics that need t be used to solve the identified issues. the recommendation segments must be free from any referencing as here the writers will present their own ideas and observations to recommend something. The recommendation must be highly relevant to the current research context. The recommendation must highlight the major strategies that professionals can follow and implement in their own practice to support the facts and process. The process of presenting any recommendation must be known to the students. They must present the recommendation in such a way which will assist the students to identify the necessary strategies that can easily be presented in the study. therefore the recommendation must present innovative and modernised techniques and tools and strategies that can easily be applied in the context of the study to solve the issues.

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