In writing essays, linking words are required to be known as they help in connecting ideas in developing the piece of writing. The word shows the way two or more things are related to one another in making effective supportive information. The linking words are usually found at the initiation of each paragraph along with the main body of the essay to present connected ideas in providing fruitful writing. The lack of idea regarding the various linking words would make you write an insensible essay where the ideas are not properly related to explain the topic. It would also make the reader confused regarding the writing because each bit of text that does not easily fit together is mainly done through linking words to make sensible writing.
In the initial part of the academic, when the students are new to assignments and essay writing, they often show a shortage of knowledge regarding the linking words to be used in writing. It puzzles them to understand the way they are required to present quality content which could attract the reader and tutor to mark them with higher grades. Thus, here I am presenting an ultimate list of linking words that can be used in connective ideas and developing sensible content in the essays.
Advanced-level writing tips and words to use
Emphasis is the word used to link ideas in the content in a forcefully forward way so that it is accepted by the readers while reading without any doubt. The other words for emphasis are, importantly, clearly, chiefly, absolutely, naturally, positively, of course, indeed, in truth, it should be considered, clearly, especially, even, and others. The addition is the word used to inform the facts that are previously stated in the content of the essay. The other words for it usually used in the essay are and, finally, as well as, besides, furthermore, apart from this, coupled with, first, finally, moreover, similarly, in addition, lastly, together with, not only but also, last, not to mention and others.
The reason is the linking word used as a function to mention the causes for the facts stated or occurred in the essay. The other words used for it are for the purpose, granted that, because of, seeing that given, within the mind, regarded that and others. For example, type-2 diabetic people are at increased risk of experiencing foot ulcers.
Contrast is used to inform the things which are different from one another. It is the opposite of the use of similar in which facts related to one another are linked in the essay. The different words for contrast are contrary, alternative, conversely, different from, however, nor, rather, instead, nevertheless, in opposition, argue, and others.
Comparison is used to show the way things are similar. It is used in making comments regarding certain theories from the perspective of two authors to inform the way they think similarly regarding a certain topic. The other words used to indicate it is both, either, equally, alike, just as, resembles, similarly, still another, likewise, in common, correspondingly, and others.
Condition is the linking word used to inform situations in which the stared theory is to be accepted or not. The other words related to it are granted that, as, although, lest, since, whenever, unless, while, in that case, given that, because of, and others.
A summary is generally used to concisely present key points presented in the essay. The other words used to indicate it is as noted, in conclusion, in the end, as noted, as discussed, briefly mentioned, generally indicating, in any event, in short, in the final discussion to summarise, and others. The word is generally used in initiating the conclusion of the essay where the linking of varied ideas made throughout the essay is informed.
At the end of the academic session, students are assigned a bunch of tasks to do, whether it's an essay, dissertation thesis or any paperwork. Before you learn what are words used to write an effective essay, you should know how to write proper formatting of an essay. I hope this article will help to understand how to connect words. If still there is any issue you can contact an outside online writing service. Home of Dissertations is one of the best custom dissertation writing services providers where a bunch of specialized writers and researchers are available to help you with everything you want.